workouts in
your gym
Gym Workouts
Challenging exercise for your core with strong engagement of the glutes. In the highest point aim to keep your heels under the knees.
Combining push and pull movements in just one drill with significant core engagement needed to keep your well balanced. Great for full body circuits.
Dynamic drill for your triceps, requiring strong core and good coordination. Use light weight for the dumbbells and aim for full range of motion.
If you like to give your thighs and glutes a real burn this is the exercise for you! Do three pause squats keeping your hips low and jump as high as you can.
Full body drill which will put your abs and shoulders trough a real challenge. This exercise requires your full attention and coordination.
Excellent core exercises with strong chest engagement. Improves your balance and coordination. Great for a circuit workout.
High intensity lower body drill which will make your heart rate goes trough the roof while feeling the burn in your thigs and improving your balance.
Great exercise for core and upper body. Make sure to maintain neutral spine position and use your hips to swing the kettlebell overhead.
Perfect high intensity exercise for you to use in the gym. The same can be performed home with or without stepper. A real heart booster.
The wide grip on the seated row allows you to engage a bit stronger the upper part of the trapezius .
Control the releasing movement for maximum result.
Lateral raise by Matrix is excellent machine for your shoulders and upper back. Isolated movement which gives your deltoid great pump.
Use both pulleys of the cables for this superset for your arms. Keep your core engaged at all time and aim for excellent control
Use both pulleys of the cables for this superset for your arms. Keep your core engaged at all time and aim for excellent control
Combining isolated and compound movement in one superset allows you to train multiple muscle group in one extremely efficient workout.
If you like to challenge your glutes to the max, this glutes builder in The Gym Fulham is the easy to use and safe tool you need.
Challenging full body exercise improving your coordination, speed and endurance. Great to be included in your home workout.
Give your arms and shoulders full burn with this strengthening exercises. Ideal to be included in a circuit workout combining upper and lower body.
High intensity drill giving your calves really good load, strengthening your core and improving the mobility of your spine.
Great core exercise from bear stand which you can include in your circuit workout. 100% bodyweight drill which can be executed everywhere you are.
Challenging core drill pushing your chest, shoulder and triceps to the max. Great for short workouts when you are after full body engagement.
Great agility drill for the lower body and the calves in particular. Include this drill in your HIIT workout or as a part of your preparation for skiing.
Basic exercise in the gym which you can include in a superset or a circuit during your workouts.
Use kettlebells with challenging but safe weights.
Advanced exercise challenging your coordination, balance and speed. Start with lower height of the stepper and increased when feeling confident.
The Matrix are providing us with very comfortable machine for our back. Easy to adjust for your workout it is great for beginners in the gym.
The Matrix are providing us with very comfortable machine for our back. Easy to adjust for your workout it is great for beginners in the gym.
Make your heart to work by shifting your blood with this set engaging your hamstrings and bank. Try to have as less rest as possible between the exercises.
Make your heart to work by shifting your blood with this set engaging your hamstrings and bank. Try to have as less rest as possible between the exercises.
Make your heart to work by shifting your blood with this set engaging your hamstrings and bank. Try to have as less rest as possible between the exercises.
The easiest, safe and most comfortable way to give your calves a descent workout and to improve stability of your ankles